Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Western Part of Skyline Drive----enter at your own risk!!!

 Well, I did something very stupid tonight after work, and I really was scared after I got myself into this mess! I came home from work and decided to pick up my camera and go for a ride. Now that the Beck's road is finally open after all summer being closed, I drove there and turned right to go on Skyline Drive where I have only been once when I first moved here. Ther first clue was that there was a baracade that had been moved to the side, now I know it was moved by an unofficial person!
 The leaves where spectacular! My 2nd clue that I was in the wrong place was the signs on some of the trees that said, "private property, stay out!" But the leaves were so lovely I continued to drive.......
 The leaves got prettier and I could barely see the glimmer of the St. Louis River thru the trees to my right, but the road conditions got worse. (my 3rd clue!) I could see where their were wash outs from the flooding, but I was still able to get thru. I did see 2 cars parked and the deeper I got in the woods I did see people in the woods picking rocks, leaves and whatever!
 I actually was given hope that I was at the end of my journey on this horrible road when I did see the people on foot, so I kept driving.
 I should of stopped and taken a picture of the road conditions but I was scared that someone would jump out of the woods, knock me over and take my goods!
 There was one spot in the woods where it actually looked like I was on the Scenic Skyline Drive, instead of the hills of Kentucky!!
 So beautiful are our bridges with the fall colors and the blue lake!
I stopped taking pictures when I got to the end of the road where the flooding had washed out the road and it was not passable! It really scared me, because now I had to turn around and go back where I came from and all I wanted to do was get out of there! A man with his family was walking, I am sure he thought I belonged in the hills of Kentucky driving on that road, but he was kind enough to help me back up so I did not end up in the woods! I clocked my distance back to Beck's Road and it was 3 miles, so I drove a total of 6 miles on that scary road. It was beautiful, and it turned out to be a spiritual journey as I cried out to God to keep me safe, I was never so happy to get home!!

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