Sunday, September 23, 2012

Saturday Northshore Drive with the "Northern and Southern Sisters"

 First stop is French River where there is a new sand bar made of rocks from the run off after the flood this summer. People enjoy walking on it now, we see some rock pickers, there must be some agates there!
 Our Southern Sisters~Mary and Cathy. We stopped at the Rustic Inn for a late lunch.
 Toni and Susan~ the Northern Sisters
 We are up on Palisade Head, looking over at Shovel Point. It was chilly but the view was lovely!
 On top of Palisade head, we finally find some kind soul to take our picture!
 Mary has more energy than all of us, we are trying to "reign her in!"
 The skies were changing constantly. Here I caught a little bird eating red berries.
 The most visited Light House in the United States. Split Rock Light.
 As we come home the skies were spectacular over West Duluth
and they changed so quickly. What a full, blessed day we had, seeing so much of God's creation and sharing it with good friends!

1 comment:

Julie B. said...

What gorgeous pictures, Susan! Don't you love living here, especially in the fall? God bless your week....