Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Our All in All

~created by dianne rupnow

Christ is all and in all. Colossians 3:11 NKJV

Your bondages? Jesus breaks them. Your enemies? Jesus conquers them. Your diseases? Jesus heals them. Your transgressions? Jesus removes them. Your fears? Jesus overcomes them. Your burdens? Jesus carries them. Your sins? Jesus cleanses them. Your storms? Jesus stills them. Your sorrows? Jesus comforts them. Your pains? Jesus soothes them. Your worries? Jesus dispels them. Your longings? Jesus fulfills them. Your needs? Jesus meets them. Your peace? Jesus gives it. Your purpose? Jesus defines it. Your future? Jesus holds it. Your soul? Jesus restores it. Your strength? Jesus renews it. Your life? Jesus sustains it. Your walk? Jesus directs it. Your service? Jesus anoints it. Your sufficiency? Jesus maintains it. Your fruitfulness? Jesus multiplies it. Your day? Jesus blesses it. Your hope? Jesus secures it. Your home in heaven? Jesus prepares it. Your good? Jesus wills it. Your redemption? Jesus bought it. Your body? Jesus owns it. Your hand? Jesus holds it. Your pathway? Jesus walks it. Your destiny? Jesus secures it. Your ministry? Jesus ordains it. Your place? Jesus establishes it. Your wisdom? Jesus speaks it. Your anxiety? Jesus quiets it. Your prayer? Jesus hears it. Your worship? Jesus receives it. Your heart? Jesus knows it. Your all in all? Jesus is it!
~meet me in the meadow

Sunday, March 27, 2011

After The Storm......

Taken from 2nd street

Canal Park from my car

Park Point

Park Point

Unbelievable site at Park Point, the storm 4-5 days ago

tossed up all of this ice on the shore. It is hard to imagine looking at this picture

how high it is but it is very very high. Unbelievable power of "Mother Nature".

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Miss you Mama!

Mom with her daughters Baby Sandi, Cindy and Susan
Our Dear Mama was taken to Heaven 3 years ago today. I miss her as much today as I did then. So grateful for all of the good memories she left us with. She loved all 6 of us children like we were her favorite! Thank you God for her!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekend with Delia!

Delia cutting pussy willows for us!- A sign of spring!!
Still some ice on the North Shore
North shore ice and "ice diamonds"
Lovely ice
We were blessed with a lovely Saturday up the shore!
What a blessing to have a best friend for almost 50 years!
God is so good!

The Measure

~photo by Tarah Farmer Chamberlain

You are my portion, O Lord. Psalm 119:57 AMP

Let the grace of the Lord be the measure of your sufficiency; let the peace of the Lord be the measure of your quietness; let the power of the Lord be the measure of your strength; let the goodness of the Lord be the measure of your contentment; let the love of the Lord be the measure of your service; let the faithfulness of the Lord be the measure of your trust; let the beauty of the Lord be the measure of your worship; let the fullness of the Lord be the measure of your joy; let the sovereignty of the Lord be the measure of your confidence; let the promises of the Lord be the measure of your expectations; let the coming of the Lord be the measure of hope.
~meet me in the meadow

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Great Nieces last weekend for our Girls Weekend!

Cousins Brianne and Ashley
Make up time!!

Craft time!

iPhone time with their Grandma Cindy!!

Celebrating Brianne's 6th birthday!
What a fun weekend we had!
My sister Cindy, My Niece Stacy and these 2 made for a great time!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Anxiety and Peace

~photo by diane rupnow-maui 2011

Anxiety tells you that you are in a situation that is too big for God to handle;
Peace assures you that nothing is too hard for the Lord.

Anxiety assumes the worst will happen;
Peace affirms the best is yet to be.

Anxiety points you to your inadequacy;
Peace confirms that God’s grace is sufficient.

Anxiety causes you to panic;
Peace causes you to be still.

Anxiety shows you your lack;
Peace points you to God’s supply.

Anxiety warns of defeat and failure;
Peace proclaims God’s victory and success.

Anxiety causes you to strive;
Peace causes you to rest.

Anxiety says “You will be carried away by the storm;”
Peace says “Your anchor holds.”

Anxiety fills you with darkness;
Peace floods you with light.

Anxiety tells you to first seek a solution;
Peace tells you to first seek the Kingdom.

Anxiety tells you, you won’t make it;
Peace assures you, God will bring you through.

Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor barn; and God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds? And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest? But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Luke 12:24-26, Matthew 6:33 NKJV
~meet me in the meadow