Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Our All in All

~created by dianne rupnow

Christ is all and in all. Colossians 3:11 NKJV

Your bondages? Jesus breaks them. Your enemies? Jesus conquers them. Your diseases? Jesus heals them. Your transgressions? Jesus removes them. Your fears? Jesus overcomes them. Your burdens? Jesus carries them. Your sins? Jesus cleanses them. Your storms? Jesus stills them. Your sorrows? Jesus comforts them. Your pains? Jesus soothes them. Your worries? Jesus dispels them. Your longings? Jesus fulfills them. Your needs? Jesus meets them. Your peace? Jesus gives it. Your purpose? Jesus defines it. Your future? Jesus holds it. Your soul? Jesus restores it. Your strength? Jesus renews it. Your life? Jesus sustains it. Your walk? Jesus directs it. Your service? Jesus anoints it. Your sufficiency? Jesus maintains it. Your fruitfulness? Jesus multiplies it. Your day? Jesus blesses it. Your hope? Jesus secures it. Your home in heaven? Jesus prepares it. Your good? Jesus wills it. Your redemption? Jesus bought it. Your body? Jesus owns it. Your hand? Jesus holds it. Your pathway? Jesus walks it. Your destiny? Jesus secures it. Your ministry? Jesus ordains it. Your place? Jesus establishes it. Your wisdom? Jesus speaks it. Your anxiety? Jesus quiets it. Your prayer? Jesus hears it. Your worship? Jesus receives it. Your heart? Jesus knows it. Your all in all? Jesus is it!
~meet me in the meadow

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