Sunday, September 30, 2012

Be Courageous

I will not fail you. (Joshua 1:5)
God will not let you down. He will not disappoint you, bring you halfway through, come up short, promise more than He can deliver, draw back, faint, be feeble, be slothful, be weak, or release His hold upon you.

I will not forget you. (Isaiah 49:15)
God will not have a memory loss, lose interest in you, lose track of you, or lose sight of you. He will not be thinking about you one moment and forget about you the next. He will not lose track of you. He will not lead you somewhere and then forget where you are. He will always be paying attention, and He will never be oblivious to your needs or situation.

I will not lie to you. (Psalm 89:35)
God will never make something up. He will not fool you or trick you in any way, at any time, or for any reason. He will never distort or deceive. He will never speak a false word in your ear, or whisper an uncaring word to your heart. He will never say anything that is “too good to be true.”

I will not remember your sins. (Isaiah 43:25)
God will never say to you that the blood of Jesus is not enough to wash away your sins. He will never tell you that you must do more, try harder, or wait longer in order to be forgiven. Once your sins are repented of and confessed, they are cast into the depths of the deepest sea and are no longer held against you. His forgiveness frees you from all condemnation, and keeps you from having a cloud of uncertainty hanging over your spirit.

[I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down ( relax My hold on you)! (Hebrews 13:5 AMP)
God will never say to you, “I’m sorry, I would like to help you, but I can’t.” You will never hear Him say, “I’m sorry, I would like to help you, but this is not a good time for me.” You will never hear Him say, “I’m sorry, I would like to help you, but you’ll have to wait your turn.”

God will not fail you, so be confident; God will not forget you, so be assured; God will not lie to you, so be trusting; God will not remember your sins, so be free, cleansed, and forgiven; God will not forsake you, so be strong, bold, and fearless. God will be all these things to you and much, much more, so be courageous.
~meet me in the meadow

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Western Part of Skyline Drive----enter at your own risk!!!

 Well, I did something very stupid tonight after work, and I really was scared after I got myself into this mess! I came home from work and decided to pick up my camera and go for a ride. Now that the Beck's road is finally open after all summer being closed, I drove there and turned right to go on Skyline Drive where I have only been once when I first moved here. Ther first clue was that there was a baracade that had been moved to the side, now I know it was moved by an unofficial person!
 The leaves where spectacular! My 2nd clue that I was in the wrong place was the signs on some of the trees that said, "private property, stay out!" But the leaves were so lovely I continued to drive.......
 The leaves got prettier and I could barely see the glimmer of the St. Louis River thru the trees to my right, but the road conditions got worse. (my 3rd clue!) I could see where their were wash outs from the flooding, but I was still able to get thru. I did see 2 cars parked and the deeper I got in the woods I did see people in the woods picking rocks, leaves and whatever!
 I actually was given hope that I was at the end of my journey on this horrible road when I did see the people on foot, so I kept driving.
 I should of stopped and taken a picture of the road conditions but I was scared that someone would jump out of the woods, knock me over and take my goods!
 There was one spot in the woods where it actually looked like I was on the Scenic Skyline Drive, instead of the hills of Kentucky!!
 So beautiful are our bridges with the fall colors and the blue lake!
I stopped taking pictures when I got to the end of the road where the flooding had washed out the road and it was not passable! It really scared me, because now I had to turn around and go back where I came from and all I wanted to do was get out of there! A man with his family was walking, I am sure he thought I belonged in the hills of Kentucky driving on that road, but he was kind enough to help me back up so I did not end up in the woods! I clocked my distance back to Beck's Road and it was 3 miles, so I drove a total of 6 miles on that scary road. It was beautiful, and it turned out to be a spiritual journey as I cried out to God to keep me safe, I was never so happy to get home!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Day with Jesse..........

 We drove thru a cemetery to see the lovely leaves.
Such a pretty pond!
 The other end of the pond with one red maple on fire!

 We saw the "Grieving Geese!"
 So pretty and peaceful here!
 I took this in Two Harbors as a ship was turning towards us to load at the Two Harbors Dock.
 This is the same ship.
 Jesse watching with me!
 Another ship backing in the the dock to load. First time I have ever seen 2 boats backing into the ore docks in Two Harbors.
 Agate Bay Light in Two Harbors. So charming!
 This is in Canal Park and I took this for you William!
 Now a 1000 foot ore boat leaves the Duluth Port! How fortunate were we to see all of this action on the lake?
There she goes, she was loaded with coal heading to Silver Bay. Nice day to spend with Jesse, my nephew by affection!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Toni's 60th Birthday and she looks great!!

 Evelyn, and Toni
 Susan and Dianne, we missed you Elaine.
 We are having dinner at the top of the Radisson where the view is spectacular!
 Our lovely Lift Bridge!
 Ship coming in and oh I love when the skies are pink!
Getting closer!
 Bridge is getting ready!!
 Almost there!
Happy Happy Birthday Dear Toni! You have made our lives so much more interesting and enjoyable!
While we were up taking our pictures, a local photographer was taking his from Canal Park and he shared it on Facebook that night! What a nice nite with good friends and our beloved harbor!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hydrangea~my favorite flower~~~~

 Marlene Ford has blessed me with sharing her lovely hydrangea in the early fall. Today her hubby Tad picked them for me. There were not as many on her bush this year but they were big and lovely. Now I have 2 groupings of them to cheer my great room up! I feel so blessed. I so want to have a bush like this in my back yard in front of my new white lattice fence. I dream of a backyard of a variety of them!
Is there anything as pretty???

Saturday Northshore Drive with the "Northern and Southern Sisters"

 First stop is French River where there is a new sand bar made of rocks from the run off after the flood this summer. People enjoy walking on it now, we see some rock pickers, there must be some agates there!
 Our Southern Sisters~Mary and Cathy. We stopped at the Rustic Inn for a late lunch.
 Toni and Susan~ the Northern Sisters
 We are up on Palisade Head, looking over at Shovel Point. It was chilly but the view was lovely!
 On top of Palisade head, we finally find some kind soul to take our picture!
 Mary has more energy than all of us, we are trying to "reign her in!"
 The skies were changing constantly. Here I caught a little bird eating red berries.
 The most visited Light House in the United States. Split Rock Light.
 As we come home the skies were spectacular over West Duluth
and they changed so quickly. What a full, blessed day we had, seeing so much of God's creation and sharing it with good friends!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Lake Superior

Thank you to all you wonderful local photographers for sharing your beautiful photos of our port and lake that we love!!