Monday, September 3, 2012


"Beloved. sometimes a prolonged rebellion and resisted warning can result in a drastic chastisement, but God's desire, particularly toward His beloved child , is neither to destroy or condemn. It is to re-grow us free of the fruit-rotting parasite of pride. God is not trying to destroy us, He's trying to keep us from destroying ourselves."
~Beth Moore from her study "Daniel Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy."

3 of my friends and I are studying this weekly and we are learning so much. I have never "gotten into" the Old Testament.
Previous Beth Moore Bible Studies that we have completed are "David a Man after God's Own Heart" and "Esther" and now "Daniel" have sparked such a great interest in the Scriptures. Help me Lord to be the woman I was created to be ~susan

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