Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy 35th Birthday Philip John Hart!

What a fun morning we had. Teen Challenge was singing at St, Matthew's Lutheran Church in Esko (just a hop, skip and a jump from my place) and Clarence, Cindy, Linda, Alex, Ashley and I went to support him, especially today because it is his birthday. If you have never been to a TC service you need to go because it is such a testimony of God being a God of 2nd and 3rd chances. Then after the service Jim and Joy Skifstad surprised us, this was their church. Jim's Dad was our Pastor back in Deer River when I was in High School and Jim was a good friend in those days and our paths have not crossed in awhile. We all ate at the church and there is "Nothing like a Lutheran Potluck!" What a special time for all of us!

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