Sunday, February 15, 2009


“He will be the stability of your times…” Isaiah 33:6

Uncertainty is all about us. Things that seemed secure have become unstable, foundations that seemed like rocks have turned into sand, and confidence has turned into confusion. Many people have looked for security and stability in places that seemed safe and secure, but these places have proven to be unable to bear up under the pressures of our times.
Only God can be our stability in an unstable world and our certainty in uncertain times. Only God knows what is ahead for us and where we are going. Only God can speak to us with the voice of certainty and say, “This is the way, walk ye in it.”

Here are 10 ways God can be your stability in unstable times…
God greets you every morning with new mercies, begin there;
God has given you access to His mercy seat, pray there;
God has set your feet upon a rock, stand there;
God has placed you in His vine, abide there;
God has accepted you in the Beloved, live there;
God has made straight paths for your feet, walk there;
God has led you to the place you are in, serve there;
God has called you to His banqueting table, dine there;
God has promised to care for you, rest there;
God has brought you into fellowship with His Son, thrive there

~Meet Me in the Meadow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who is Loyd and Who is Royal?
And what does it all really mean?
We did have a great day though....
Hope everybody else had one too...
As always...GOD is Good...