Tuesday, February 3, 2009

God is for You ~part 2

God gives you strength and power. God is for you. Ps. 68:35
God is your deliverer. God is for you. Ps. 68:20
God daily bears your burden. God is for you. Ps. 68:19
God leads out the prisoners into prosperity. God is for you. Ps. 68:6.
God makes a home for the lonely. God is for you. Ps. 68:6
God will not turn away your prayer. God is for you. Ps. 66:20
God will not turn away His lovingkindness toward you. God is for you. Ps. 66:20
God shelters you under His wings. God is for you. Ps.61:4
God redeems your soul from the battle against you. God is for you. Ps. 55:18
God will deliver you from all trouble. God is for you. Ps. 54:7
God will guide your life. God is for you. Ps. 48:14
God gives you favor. God is for you. Ps. 44:3
God’s song will be with you in the night. God is for you. Ps. 42:8
God holds your hand. God is for you. Ps. 37:24
God’s eyes are upon you. God is for you. Ps. 34:15
God’s ears are open to your cry. God is for you. Ps. 34:15
God will bless you with peace. God is for you. Ps. 29:11
Even when you are old and gray, God will not forsake you. God is for you. Ps. 71:18

~More from Meet Me in the Meadow

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