Thursday, January 29, 2009

God is for You

What an encouraging morning devotion, I wanted to share it with you..................

God is for you no matter who is against you. If the devil tells you that God is against you, reject the lie and declare the truth, “God is for me, His word declares it, the death of His Son upon the cross demonstrates it, and His mercy and grace affirm it everyday to my heart.”
God is for you, not because you have a nice personality, a great smile, a strong arm, a witty way, a cleaver disposition, self-discipline, or a lively imagination;
God is for you, not because you go to church, because you have added ten minutes to your prayer time, because you have increased your giving by five percent, or because you are memorizing scripture;
God is for you, not because you try to be good, because you try hard, or because you try to always do your best;
God is for you because He has set His love upon you.
God is for you when you walk through valleys; God is for you when you pass through troubled seas; God is for you when you are weak, when you are wounded, and when you are weary. God is for you when He disciplines and corrects you. God is for you when He molds and shapes you, when He prunes you, and when He purifies you.
God is for you in times of persecution, in times of difficulty, and in times of need. God is for you in low times and high times, in crooked paths and straight paths, in darkness and in the light of dawn’s new day. God is for you when others set you aside, when you have been ignored, when you have been unappreciated, rejected, and when you have been mistreated.
God was for you when He formed you in the womb and gave you the breath of life. He was for you when you were born into this world. He was for you when He pursued you in your sin and rebellion. He was for you when He drew you to His side, to His arms, to His love, and to His heart. God was for you when He covered you with mercy, clothed you with grace, and called you His own.
God (the awesome, glorious, all-powerful, all-wise, majestic, magnificent, holy, eternal, righteous, caring, loving, King of the universe and Lord of all) Is (not has been, not will be, not might be, not one day will be) For (not against, not hostile toward, not contrary to, not indifferent to) You (not just someone else, but you; not just other believers but you; not part of you, but all of you!)
Declare it: (speak out the following and include your first and last name) God is for ______________________.
~from Meet me in the Meadow

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