Sunday, February 10, 2013

Our 3rd Annual "Grils" weekend!!

 The Beautiful Roses Stacy and Brianne brought us for our "Girls Weekend!" They are my favorite color roses ever!! Thank you girls for being so thoughtful!
      Fresh out of the bathtub, I love these girls~ Brianne age 7 and Ashley age 10, sweet cousins.
                                   The girls with their  Grandma Cindy and they love her so so much!
                  At the Chinese Restaurant, waiting for their sweet and sour chicken!! Yum yum!!
                            Auntie Sandi with Stacy Anne, our first born niece, and mother of Brianne
                                 Sisters Susan and Cindy~fun to spend a long weekend together~
                                                   They love all of these electronic devices!!
 Our servers for dinner, dressed in aprons made by Delia! They loved them and they served so well.
                                           Note Delia, they have their scrunchies in their hair!!
Wearing Sandi and Sue Sue's glasses! Silly girls!!

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