Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day up the shore with Delia~

       Brighton Beach on the North Shore
        Miss Delia
        Edna G. surrounded bLighthouse in Two Harbors
        Best friends~Delia and Susan @ The Rustic Inn
  Surfing in 33 degrees. We saw 11 surfers at once
 This is Walfred Johnson's fishing shack, he would fish, come back to the shack and clean the fish and sell it from the shack to locals prior to going to the farmers to sell herring and trout, so saith the man that we met on the Stoney Point Road. He was a walking history book of the north shore as he was born, raised, and still lives here. He was 63 years old and thought Miss Delia and myself were much younger than him. He did look much older but he was so fun to chat with. He walks this road every day to total 5 miles. Delia would like to interview him, but we do not know his name. Walfred owned property across the road and had his home there where the log home is now.
 Back at Brighton Beach.

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