Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hotel Christmas

 Sue Sue, Grandpa Great and Preston! Sweet picture!
 My Brother John and his wife Linda.
 My Sister Cindy and her hubby Clarence.
 My Brother Jeff and Wife Tammy. Watching that Vikings vs Packers game!
 Sisters~Susan, Cindy and Sandi
 My Brother Jason and his wife Carol, children Jared and Hannah.
 My Nephew Jonathan and wife Jessica with Kaden, Hunter and cutie pie Hailey!
 My niece by marriage Mandy and her children Preston and Peyton. Robert was working.
 Great Nieces Taylor and Maddi.
 Ami and her son Trenten. Her hubby Paul was working.
 Grandpa Clarence and Grandma Cindy had the children for a few days~Alex, Ashley, Colin and Charlie!
Tammy read a children's story to the little ones about the real meaning of Christmas.

Some of the family was missing due to illness or work commitments, even tho we missed the ones who were not there this year, it was very enjoyable. I think the children like the swimming best and I think the ones that swam will sleep well tonight! Thanks everyone for the yummy Christmas dinner!

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