Monday, December 31, 2012

A visit to our family cemetery~Olivet in Morse Township

 Grandpa and Grandma Reed's Headstone. I believe the rose depicts my aunt Rose Reed Sherman who is also buried there.
 The trees, blue sky and the snow were so beautiful!
 Sandi loved this tree, she thought it would make a great painting.
 This silhouette of a soldier bowing down to pay respect to the military part of the cemetery. Our Uncle Orval Reed is buried in this section, he died in WWII.
 Note how big this tree is, almost like this tree is watching over our loved ones.
Our dear Mama was buried here but we know she is not here she is in heaven waiting for us.

For some, cemeteries are uncomfortable, for me I find comfort as it makes me feel close to those who have gone on before us,~Susan

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