Thursday, September 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Little Brother!

46 years ago today my little brother Jason was born. He was 8 weeks early and weighed in at 3Lbs. 2 oz or so. His weight dropped to 2lb 13 oz. He was little but he was cute! They had to cut a normal newborn diaper in 4ths so that they fit him. I was almost 11 when he was born and I always felt like his 2nd Mommy, not his big sister! He was in the hospital a good portion of his first year as his lungs were underdeveloped. I know one night Dr. Roth spent all night in the nursery with him at the hospital and every time Jason would quit breathing he would flick the bottom of his feet and Jason would start to breath. One time when he was home from the hospital Mom looked in his little bed and he was blue and not breathing. He would of died if Mom had not checked on him at that exact moment and shook him and breathed into his mouth. That is what we call a "God Thing". Happiest of Birthdays Dear Brother of mine, I am so glad God had a plan for you to live! (Don't I sound like Mom??)

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