Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blessings of Autumn

print by Thomas Kinkaide
Autumn Blessings
See the goodness of our Father
in the Autumn season fair,
In the colors that delight us
When there's beauty everywhere.
In the gold and crimson hillsides,
In each maple tree ablaze,
In bright goldenrod and asters
Lining rustic country ways.
See the goodness of our Father
In the sky of sapphire-blue,
In the Autumn sun enhancing
Every lovely thing in view.
See the goodness of our Father
In the beauty of the land,
In the lavish yield we gather,
All provided by His hand.
See the goodness of our Father
In the Autumn season fair;
For this wealth of Autumn blessings,
We lift thankful hearts in prayer.
©1994 Beverly J. Anderson

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