Friday, May 8, 2009

Consider how great things He has done for you. 1 Samuel 12:24

Look back on all the way the Lord your God has led you. Do you not see it dotted with ten thousand blessings in disguise? Call to mind the needed relief sent at the critical moment; the right way chosen for you instead of the wrong way you had chosen for yourself; the hurtful thing to which your heart so fondly clung, removed out of your path; the breathing-time granted, which your tried and struggling spirit just at the moment needed. Oh, has not Jesus stood at your side when you knew it not? Has not Infinite Love encircled every cloud with its merciful lining? Oh, retrace your steps, and mark His footprints in each one! Thank Him for them all, and learn the needed lesson of leaning more simply on Jesus. –F. Whitfield

God is the one who will fulfill His purpose for me. – A. W. Tozer

God is over all things, under all things, outside all things; within, but not enclosed; without, but not excluded; above, but not raised up; below, but not depressed; wholly above presiding, wholly beneath sustaining, wholly without embracing, and wholly within filling. –author unknown.

~so grateful that He knows best for my life.....susan

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