Friday, May 8, 2009

Congratulations Philip!

Today marks one year since my nephew Philip has been in Teen Challenge. TC is a faith based residential treatment center for drugs and alcohol. He is there because he wanted to change and he is letting God change him from the inside out. It is a very hard program and is not intended for the faint of heart. It is a lot of work but once you turn your life over to the Lord, he gives the strength to go forward, even tho some weeks are a step forward and 2 steps back. Philip will graduate from the program sometime in July. Continue to pray for him as he is praying for God to show him what He wants him to do when he gets out. He does know he wants to stay in the area to be close to Alex and Ashley and they need their Daddy!
You go Philip! I am proud of you!!!!
(pictures with Alex and Alshley this winter and with his Grandpa Jack last week!)

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