Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our Redeemer Lives!

Thursday, April 9. 2009
I wrote this some years ago, but desired to share it with you for your reflection today. May God use it to draw our thoughts to the precious and powerful Christ......John Stumbo

Paradox Friday
yet volunteering.
Arrested, yet yielding.
Sentenced, yet guiltless.
Nailed, yet embracing.
Mocked, beaten, spit upon and cursed.
Mourned, honored, wept upon and cherished.
Announcing forgiveness to those making no such request.
Welcoming into paradise a criminal gasping a brief prayer.
Wrapped, buried, entombed and grieved.
Worthy, blessed, enthroned and graced.
Crushed, yet conquering.
Sin-laden, yet sinless.
Wretched, yet royal.
Dead, yet undying.
Forever Pierced.
Forever Praised.
Our Redeemer,

~John Stumbo is my 2nd cousin who is the lead Pastor of a Church in Salem Oregon. He has been suffering from some disease that has almost taken his life. He is 50 years old and prior to this attack on his body he was very healthy, athletic and strong. He was in the ICU for many months and now at home in a wheelchair/ walker, being fed by a tube in his stomach because he is unable to swollow. He hads been writing a blog that is so encouraging spiritually as his body is weakening. To follow his blog and then click on John Stumbo's blog. Please join me in prayer for him and for God's healing strength and grace for him and his family. Thanks~Susan

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