Saturday, April 11, 2009

April 10th ~Happy Birthday Nurse Eckenberg!

Happy Birthday Barbara! I will not tell the world how old you are because you are a bit touchy about that, knowing you are older than I! Who would of ever thought that connecting in our Senior Year in "Private School" would bring a friendship that has lasted and grown for 35+ years? I will never forget that weekend we worked on 3West or was it 5 W (oh no I am starting to forget....) and you and I were the only nursing assistants assigned to all 50 bath cares on the floor. We started in room 301 and by the end of our shift everyone had either a bed bath, bedside bath, or shower and all had oral care, a back rub, linen change and their garbage emptied! We were big into Nursing 101! We were tired but we did it! Yea for St. Luke's School of Nursing!
I pray this will be a special year for you and those you love!!

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