Saturday, February 28, 2009

Family dinner take 3

Four Generation picture of Dad, John, Rob and Preston! What a group!

Family dinner pictures take 2!

Crazy blog, you can only download 5 pictures at a time so here is the 2nd group of us!

Family Dinner in Deer River

I was home for a quick 24 hours but enjoyed a nice visit with my family. There were 26 of us that went out to dinner on Friday night and a good time was had by all. We hear another wedding is to take place this summer, can you guess who? (you can always leave a comment at the end of each group of pictures!)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fairy in a Jar

This is my niece Angie, she is attending Brown College for Photograpy and I believe she took this picture of herself. I just love it and she said I could share it! Isn't it amazing what a camera and some talent can do? You go girl!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

We share in each other's sorrows.....

I went to my friend Carol's Mom's funeral today, I can honestly say that I know how she feels. It was my first funeral since going to Mom's and I did OK...I just remember what a comfort it was having my friends support me that day.
Here is Lois, Carol and I, friends from Nursing School....
and Katie, Phil and Carol. Katie is their oldest daughter who is in her Internship in Chicago after graduating from Medical School. What a nice gal she is! They do have 3 more children but they disappeared before the photos!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The North Shore

I drove up the North Shore this morning after an overnight 2 inches of fresh snow. I love this place on Stoney Point Road and my van always turns down this road. This little fishing shack has always been my little dream cottage on the lake! If I have taken you here, you must be special!

The Oldest Living Graduate of St. Luke's School of Nursing!

What a fun experience I had this morning by meeting Eleanor! She graduated from St. Luke's School of Nursing in 1931 (I graduated there in 1974). She just celebrated her 102 birthday on January 21st! She has some hearing loss and some visual loss but we communicated fairly well by me speaking right into her right ear. She is so sweet and said to me,"I just can't believe I have lived this long, my daughter says there must be a reason!". What an honor for me to meet her.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


“He will be the stability of your times…” Isaiah 33:6

Uncertainty is all about us. Things that seemed secure have become unstable, foundations that seemed like rocks have turned into sand, and confidence has turned into confusion. Many people have looked for security and stability in places that seemed safe and secure, but these places have proven to be unable to bear up under the pressures of our times.
Only God can be our stability in an unstable world and our certainty in uncertain times. Only God knows what is ahead for us and where we are going. Only God can speak to us with the voice of certainty and say, “This is the way, walk ye in it.”

Here are 10 ways God can be your stability in unstable times…
God greets you every morning with new mercies, begin there;
God has given you access to His mercy seat, pray there;
God has set your feet upon a rock, stand there;
God has placed you in His vine, abide there;
God has accepted you in the Beloved, live there;
God has made straight paths for your feet, walk there;
God has led you to the place you are in, serve there;
God has called you to His banqueting table, dine there;
God has promised to care for you, rest there;
God has brought you into fellowship with His Son, thrive there

~Meet Me in the Meadow

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

I celebrated Valentine's Day with some of my family. The boys: Alex, Philip, Jason and Jared.
Us girls: Hannah, Carol, Linda, Ashley and myself. We all met at the Country Buffet (Mom used to call it the "Pig Out Place"!) Of course we had to take 2 pictures of the boys because "Lloyd and Royal" would not cooperate!! We actually had a very nice time!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Those who walk before God in humility are:
Weak enough to lean upon His strength;

Small enough to look upon His greatness;
Patient enough to wait upon His timing;
Empty enough to draw upon His fullness;
Poor enough to depend upon His riches;
Needy enough to count upon His grace.

“I love being nothing so He can be my all.” -Don Lessin

Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy 27th Birthday Nicholas Splan!

This is Nicholas and his sweetheart Rebecca!.
Happiest of Birthdays Nick! Miss you!
love from your Aunt Sue!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

God is for you ~part 3

God is for you.
God is for you.
God is for you.
God is for you.
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Romans 8:31-32

~from Meet me in the Meadow

I remember being a young girl~age 13 or so and sitting in Dorothy Mayo's kitchen with my friend Dawn and reading this verse for the first time. It was like the greatest gift had just been given to me because I knew that if God was on my side, how can I fail?! That verse has been dear to me since that day!

Happy Birthday Charlie and Colin!

Happy Birthday Charlie age 7 on 2/6 and Brother Colin age 2 on 2/7. These cute boys belong to Mike and Morgan Hart. Poor Charlie had alot of dental work done this fall, but they have such a good dentist in Deer River look at the terriffic results!
Hugs from your Auntie Sue Sue!

Happy Birthday Angie Girl!

Happy Birthday Dear Angie! I love this picture of you wearing Grandma's ring and necklace!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

God is for You ~part 2

God gives you strength and power. God is for you. Ps. 68:35
God is your deliverer. God is for you. Ps. 68:20
God daily bears your burden. God is for you. Ps. 68:19
God leads out the prisoners into prosperity. God is for you. Ps. 68:6.
God makes a home for the lonely. God is for you. Ps. 68:6
God will not turn away your prayer. God is for you. Ps. 66:20
God will not turn away His lovingkindness toward you. God is for you. Ps. 66:20
God shelters you under His wings. God is for you. Ps.61:4
God redeems your soul from the battle against you. God is for you. Ps. 55:18
God will deliver you from all trouble. God is for you. Ps. 54:7
God will guide your life. God is for you. Ps. 48:14
God gives you favor. God is for you. Ps. 44:3
God’s song will be with you in the night. God is for you. Ps. 42:8
God holds your hand. God is for you. Ps. 37:24
God’s eyes are upon you. God is for you. Ps. 34:15
God’s ears are open to your cry. God is for you. Ps. 34:15
God will bless you with peace. God is for you. Ps. 29:11
Even when you are old and gray, God will not forsake you. God is for you. Ps. 71:18

~More from Meet Me in the Meadow

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy 35th Birthday Philip John Hart!

What a fun morning we had. Teen Challenge was singing at St, Matthew's Lutheran Church in Esko (just a hop, skip and a jump from my place) and Clarence, Cindy, Linda, Alex, Ashley and I went to support him, especially today because it is his birthday. If you have never been to a TC service you need to go because it is such a testimony of God being a God of 2nd and 3rd chances. Then after the service Jim and Joy Skifstad surprised us, this was their church. Jim's Dad was our Pastor back in Deer River when I was in High School and Jim was a good friend in those days and our paths have not crossed in awhile. We all ate at the church and there is "Nothing like a Lutheran Potluck!" What a special time for all of us!