Saturday, October 18, 2008

Teen Challenge Gala

Last night Clarence and Cindy and I went to Teen Challenge's Annual Fund Raiser. For those of you who do not know, Teen Challenge is a Faith-based residential drug and alcohol treatment center for men and women of any age. Philip, my nephew has been in the program for 5 1/2 months and here he is with his parents. Duluth has a men's program but Minneapolis has one for men and one for women. They were celebrating TC's 50th year anniversary since David Wilkerson went into the slums of Harlem in NYC and shared Jesus with gang members. One of his first converts was Nicky Cruz and Nicky Cruz was the guest speaker last night. Such a powerful message he gave on forgiveness and redemption. Nicky Cruz is 68 years old now. Here are pictures of Philip with some of his TC Brother's in Christ. "Sunny" aka Leroy and Philip in the first photo and Mike, John and Philip in the 2nd photo. As you get to know these guys your heart goes out to them as so many of them have such sad backgrounds but to see them change week by week is such a joy.There is hope in every circumstance when we turn our lives over to Jesus. To learn more about the program and the Northland Campus you can go to Teen Challenge Choirs sang last night also, this included both Minneapolis and Duluth groups singing together, pretty powerful.

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