Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mama's Treasures

Most of you know we lost our Dear Mama on March 24th, 2008. This is a picture of Mom and Dad last fall....
This week my sisters and I went through my Mom's last keepsakes. We dreaded doing it in a way but we knew we needed to finish it. God was gracious to us and we ended up smiling a lot and laughing at all the things Mom saved....the cards that she received, our report cards, our artwork, Deer River papers with stories that interested her. She was the editor of the Deer River Hospital and Nursing Home monthly newsletter called "Heart Sounds" and she saved every copy! At the end of every publication she would write a thought for the month. Let me share one with you from the late 1980's:
Thot' for the month---
There may be times when you will be sorry for something you said;
sorry that you stayed too late; or sorry that you went so early;
sorry that you won something or lost, but all your life, you'll never
be sorry that you were kind.
Don't Worry, Be Happy
and Be Kind---
'till next month,

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