Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Did you know I am a GABA?

I am a Great Aunt by Affection x2 now. This little sweetheart is Lily Grace Leach, daughter of Weyland and Katie. She was born on April 10, 2008 and was adopted on May 12th, 2008. Have you ever seen such a cutie? I just have one comment....why do chubby thighs look so cute on little babies and when they come on big girls they have not one ounce of cuteness in them??
Baby #2 on the right is Levia Rose Anderson, born to Haddon and Karlyn Anderson on September 17th. What a precious little one she is. How fun these 2 little girls will grow up as loving cousins! I am so looking forward to hugging and kissing these little ones that honor me as their GABA!


Jamylou said...

What beautiful little girls! Isn't blogging fun? I already have a blog...you'll have to check it out. I guess I need an update sometime soon.
Take care.
Jamie F

family tree said...

Lily is honored to have a spot on your famous blog! She can't wait to meet you too. . .she is saving up stories to share :)
love you!