Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 3rd, 2011 Visit with Yvonne

Yvonne has been in the hospital for 4.5 months from complications from Ovarian Cancer that she has been dealing with for almost 9 years. I have never seen anyone with such a positive attitude and a will to live like my dear Seester Yvonne. She always said to me "God does not make mistakes Susana, I do not know why He has me on this journey, but He does..." Here we are visiting with our friend and missionary from Nicaragua. Oh the memories we all share. Yvonne and I both made 12 trips to our Beloved Nicaragua! We wanted to go one more time was not to be. Here we are~Becky, Bonnie H. Yvonne, Susana, Bonnie G and those precious like Hernandez sisters, Yvonne loved the visit!

Ashley and Alyssa loved on Yvonne like they had know her forever.

What a gift they gave her....

Notice Yvonne's smile!

Bonnie and the girls loving on Yvonne!

Sisters~ Yvonne and Dianne....

What a good sister Dianne has been thru these 9 years, she has been with Yvonne thru every crisis in her journey with cancer, even when she had cancer herself! Dianne, you are my hero!

Dianne showing the girls how to work the bed! Always a teachable moment with little ones!

It was a special special day for all of us!

The next day Yvonne was transferred home with hospice care per her request. Her cancer has spread and now 6 days later it is obvious her time on this earth is limited.

Thank you Sweet Jesus for this day with her........

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