Friday, October 21, 2011

All Him.....

What is God doing in your life? I like that question. In the mundane and the hectic of our days, He is continuously at work in us. It’s good to pause and think about how we’re being shaped into His likeness.
I’ve called this season of growth in my life ‘distraction extraction’. Having a job that requires me to pray, reflect, empathize, tap into my emotions, and spend a great deal of time alone, I can’t afford to allow anything in my life that distracts my heart and mind from Him. I have a quote on my desk that reads:

“So long as we are occupied with any other object than God Himself, there will be neither rest for the heart, nor peace for the mind.” –Spurgeon

Extractions are painful. They are often difficult. But each of us has a purpose that can’t stand in the shadow of anything…and the battle begins in the mind. What do you spend most of your mental energy thinking about? Worrying about? For many of us it’s simply the task in front of us or the next item on our to-do list. But the quiet time eventually comes. And when it does, the landscape of our minds can be cluttered. Let God clear it out. Give Him full rein. Let Him have the thing you don’t think you can ‘let go’ of. Let yourself be ‘occupied’ with nothing other than Him….
And the peace will come, the joy will surface, the hope will emerge, the heart will rest. These are the fruits of letting God have control. These are the gifts of focusing on Him. These are the reasons to be thankful He’ll extract the distractions from our lives if we let Him.
~Bonnie Jensen

You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. (Matthew 22:37)

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