Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Receiving and Waiting

In your walk with God two things will always be true: You will be receiving from Him and you will be waiting upon Him. Your faith must trust Him for both. You need to receive from Him what is yours for today and wait upon Him for what will be yours tomorrow.

What are the things that are yours today and your faith can receive? Here are a few—you don’t have to wait for His peace, His grace, His mercies, His forgiveness, His cleansing, His truth, His salvation, His strength, His presence, His life, His blessing, His love.

Even though there are many things that are yours today because you are in Christ, there are also things that require your faith to wait. They include prayers you are waiting to see answered, promises you are waiting to be fulfilled, bible prophecies you are waiting to see happen, God’s timing in relation to your personal guidance, clarity to take the next step, and the coming of the Bridegroom returning for His bride.

What should your faith do in response to what is yours today? Receive! What should your faith do in response to what will be yours another day? Rest! As you wait upon the Lord, wait with a quiet heart, not an anxious one; with a thankful heart, not a complaining one; with a peaceful heart, not a striving one; with a hopeful heart, not a discouraged one; with a confident heart, not an uncertain one; with a steadfast heart, not a wavering one; with a patient heart, not a hasty one.

You do not need to try and control or manipulate your future. God is able to fulfill all that He has said and all that He has promised. As you wait, continue to pray, continue to trust, continue to believe, continue to hold hope in your heart, continue to obey, and continue to rejoice every more. You have a God who cannot and will not fail!

His timing and His timetable are always perfect. He knows what He is doing and He does it well. Remember, all creation testifies to the wisdom of His ways—in time the green fruit ripens, the wheat becomes golden, the baby bird takes flight, the sapling spreads its branches, the peonies flower, the gardenia gives its fragrance, the sunflower brings forth its abundance of seeds.
~meet me in the meadow

Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD. Psalm 27:14 NLT

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