Monday, May 31, 2010

I was born to be an Auntie!

Sandi and I wanted to stop at Mom's grave. Maddi wanted to bring her new dolly so she could show her where Grandma Great's body was. She told me "Grandma Great is in Heaven with a new body and she can walk". It is so important to be honest with children, they understand more than we give them credit for!

Jonathan gave them a ride with the 4 wheeler, Taylor, Maddi, Preston and TJ

Hannah took us to her other Grandma's house so we could stock up on rhubarb! Yum!!

Charlie and Colin made us laugh at breakfast after the California Cousin's were loving on them. Charilie said of Julie "She sure has alot of energy". Colin looked at Connie's long polished nails and said "Sharp Fingers"! You have to love the honesty of children!!!

Maddi and Taylor fresh out of the bathtub! They stayed with us a couple nights at the cabin,

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