Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Moving Ahead in God's Will

~photo taken by William Conk

Ponce De Leon Light in Florida

Cindy, Stacy and I visited here ~7 years ago

Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. Hebrews 10:9 KJV

“Chance” and “luck” do not sit on the throne of heaven, but a loving, personal Creator does. Life is not a gamble and fate does not guide your destiny. God did not bring you into this world to live without a purpose, to exist without a reason, or function without meaning. He loves you, cares about you, and wants you to know Him and do His will.

He has chosen you and prepared you for the work He has called you to do. When your heart is set on His will, you will have the assurance that He will be to you all that you need. This confidence of faith allows you to move through each day with a peaceful spirit, inward rest, and quiet trust.

In the coming year, remember these five important things regarding God’s will for your life.

1. Place—Be in God’s place in His perfect time.

2. Peace—Let His peace keep you at rest in the place He has called you.

3. Purpose—Believe God’s purpose for you will be fulfilled in the place He has you.

4. Plan—Have confidence that nothing can frustrate God’s perfect plan for you.

5. Power—Receive His Spirit to equip and empower you to do what He has called you to do.

~meet me in the meadow

May we all let God be our guiding light......blessings on your day~Susan

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