Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas 2009 with friends!!

My friend Marlene from High School with our annual Christmas lunch while in Deer River

My 27th Annual Christmas Breakfast for my St. Luke's Friends!

Dinner out with the Post Coronary Gals. On the left is Betty Anderson who trained me in on the night shift on PCCU in 1974. She has 8 children, the oldest is my age, she always said I was her 9th child and I love her to death! In the middle is Joanne Yoki, my first head nurse! She is also from Deer River. We work together now on the Nurses Alumni Board and I think the world of her!

My friends Barbara and Vicki from nursing school days at our annual Christmas dinner at my house. We have only missed 1 or 2 years when Vicki lived in California, not bad for 35 years! We always have the same salad and dessert but have a different Entree! There is nothing like old friends who have traveled the same road as you have!

Susan and Barbara, she is cheating by stepping on her tip toes for the picture!

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