Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy 34th Birthday Stacy Anne!

Stacy, what a blessing you have been to our family. You have always been so thoughtful and have had a servants heart just like your Mom. I was 34 (and you were 12) when I had my nose surgery and I was staying at Gram and Gramps between my surgeries and I remember how miserable I was with my nose packed. I had such a sinus headache and you came and spent the day with me while Mom and Dad worked. I remember how good an ice cold cloth felt on my forehead and you started forming them in the shape of my forehead and putting them in the freezer for me. I remember that day thinking to myself......."I wonder if she will become a nurse some day??" And you did and no doubt you are a good one. Here you are with you dear husband Brian and I love this 4 generation picture taken in 2006. Poor Mama didn't feel good that day but she loved having you and your little Brianne with her. I hope this is a very happy happy Birthday Love you lots!

1 comment:

Brian, Stacy, Brianne, Joshua & Anna said...

Thanks Sue, Missing you this day. Love, Stacy