Sunday, November 25, 2012

Blueberry Bowl Pizza on a Saturday Night with the Family (or at least some of them!!)

 Stacy and her baby Anna Grace! What a Wild  little one she is!!
 Jared and Joshua. (Joshua told Jared that he had an iPhone 6 back in Yankton and that it had 60,000 Apps!) Too funny!!
 Hannah, Carol and Jason! Sweet picture!
 CJ and Cindy. True Love!!!!
 Peyton and Grandma Linda!!
 Hunter, Trenten and Madison!
 Jessica and  her middle child Kaden! I missed Baby Hailey as she was sleeping!
 Taylor and her Uncle Jonathan!
 Preston and his Mom Mandy and Aunt Ami!
 Grandpa Great and Preston!
 Stacy and Brian, what a nice nice couple!
 The great Aunts Sandi and Susan and silly silly Brianne~
Sweet Peyton, soon to be a 2 year old!

After the Pizza we watched some of the little ones bowl and we were the cheerleaders! Yea, go Preston, Yea go Brianne and Joshua! A good time was had by all!

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