Sunday, August 26, 2012

Nieces and Nephews "by Affection"..........

 Karlyn and her lovely family came for their traditional visit after spending a week in Grand Marais with  Haddon's family. Levia, almost 4, calls me Auntie Sue Sue and does not quite understand this niece by affection thing. Little Haddon calls me Woo Woo! He just turned 2. Such loveable children they are! They keep us on our toes! Karlyn's Mom Gerrilyn is my dear friend and she shared her family with me.
Jesse and Nick spent a few days in the BWCA and stopped to visit en-route back to the cities. Their Mom is my dearest childhood friend, Delia. She too shared her boys with me and it thrills be that they still want me in their busy lives!

What a blessed weekend. God is so good!!

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