Tuesday, August 28, 2012

More pics of Haddon's and Karlyn's visit!

 Big Haddon and Little Haddon play ball. Little Haddon loves baseball and has a rug burn on his knee from sliding into base on my great room carpet! So so cute!
 Pregnant with #3, it is a boy and all is well at 24 weeks! Thank you Lord!!
 Trying to get a picture of Miss Giggles is next to impossible!
She so wanted a picture with her Mom, Sue Sue and Toni but getting her to look at the camera was most difficult!!
 Sucking on a lemon, but he too, will not smile when you want him to, otherwise he is a very smiley baby!!
Once again Miss Giggles cannot sit still or open her eyes and look at the camera all at the same time!
I loved having them with me. God is so good to give me 3 generations of this family to love!

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