Friday, August 31, 2012

Encouragement in Prayer

Encouragement in Prayer May the following quote by Octavius Winslow be an encouragement to you in prayer.

And all things, whatever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive. Matthew 21:22

Draw near, then, seeking soul, with boldness; Draw near with the lowly boldness of a child–with the humble confidence of a son. Dear are you to your Father. Sweet is your voice to Him. Precious is your person, accepted in His Beloved. You cannot come too boldly–you cannot come too frequently–you cannot come with too large requests. You are coming to a King, that King your Father, that Father viewing you in His beloved Son. Oh, hang not back. Stand not afar off. He now holds out the golden scepter, and says, “Come near; what is your request? Come with your temporal want. Come with your spiritual need. Ask what you will, it shall be granted you. I have an open hand, and a large heart.”

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

This too shall pass....

If only we could remember this! God's ways are always better than our ways!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

More pics of Haddon's and Karlyn's visit!

 Big Haddon and Little Haddon play ball. Little Haddon loves baseball and has a rug burn on his knee from sliding into base on my great room carpet! So so cute!
 Pregnant with #3, it is a boy and all is well at 24 weeks! Thank you Lord!!
 Trying to get a picture of Miss Giggles is next to impossible!
She so wanted a picture with her Mom, Sue Sue and Toni but getting her to look at the camera was most difficult!!
 Sucking on a lemon, but he too, will not smile when you want him to, otherwise he is a very smiley baby!!
Once again Miss Giggles cannot sit still or open her eyes and look at the camera all at the same time!
I loved having them with me. God is so good to give me 3 generations of this family to love!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

There is no pit so deep.....

"There is no pit so deep, that God's love is not deeper still."
,,,,Corrie ten Boom

The first time I read this quote in her book the "Hiding Place," it made me cry knowing all that she had gone thru
in the concentration camps......
and all that she had lost! What a godly
woman she was!!

Nieces and Nephews "by Affection"..........

 Karlyn and her lovely family came for their traditional visit after spending a week in Grand Marais with  Haddon's family. Levia, almost 4, calls me Auntie Sue Sue and does not quite understand this niece by affection thing. Little Haddon calls me Woo Woo! He just turned 2. Such loveable children they are! They keep us on our toes! Karlyn's Mom Gerrilyn is my dear friend and she shared her family with me.
Jesse and Nick spent a few days in the BWCA and stopped to visit en-route back to the cities. Their Mom is my dearest childhood friend, Delia. She too shared her boys with me and it thrills be that they still want me in their busy lives!

What a blessed weekend. God is so good!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Master Weaver's Plan

My life is but a weaving

Between the Lord and me;
I may not choose the colors–
He knows what they should be.

For He can view the pattern
Upon the upper side
While I can see it only
On this, the under side.

Sometimes He weaves in sorrow,
Which seems so strange to me;
But I will trust His judgment
And work on faithfully.

‘Tis He who fills the shuttle,
And He knows what is best;
So I shall weave in earnest,
And leave to Him the rest.

Not ’til the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reason why.

The dark threads are as needed
In the Weaver’s skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned.

~ Benjamin Malachi Franklin
 1882-1965. He wrote the poem in the late forties. It was first published in ‘The Memphis Commercial Appeal’ newspaper in 1950, per his grandson Bob Corley.

When I was a teenager I had this on a bookmark and carried it in my Bible, it was fun to read it again tonight. Now that I am older I understand that things happen in this life that we will never understand the reason why, but we just have to trust our Heavenly Father that He knows what is best for us. ~susan

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August 2012 Burgers at Wayne and Betsy's with the CICU gang!

 Duffy, Susan, Wayne, Eileen and Clint, 1st row is Janet, Barb and Toni. We all worked so well together.
 Wayne (our boy nurse) and his new bride Betsy! Wayne worked with us 20+ years ago and now came back to the Northland to live on the Northshore with Betsy. Fun evening together, that old gang of mine!
Nurse Eckenberg ( Barb) and her hubby Gary!

Nurse Sugars (Eileen) and her hubby Rick!
 Nurse Dyer (Janet) and her hubby Duffy! They met at work, way back then!!
 Nurse Allie (Carol) and Nurse Dyer traveled to Ireland together this early summer!
Clinton G. aka Nurse Mattson and his wife Roxy. Clint was our head nurse for a long while. Poor dear!!
Such great friends!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pamela Sponnick Wallin

Pamela G. (Sponnick) Wallin, 59, went to be with Our Lord on Aug. 9, 2012 at St. Mary's Hospital of Rochester, Minn., after a long battle with illness.

Pam was born on Jan. 23, 1953 to George and Georgann (Broman) Sponnick of Virginia, Minn.

She graduated from Virginia High School and went on to nursing school. She was an RN at Miller Dwan now Essentia Health for over 30 years. She was married to Thomas M. Wallin of Cloquet, Minn., for 37 years. They had two children Thomas Wallin Jr. and Katie Wallin. She has one grandchild Lilly Wallin. Pam lived her life with courage and dignity. She was a devoted wife, mother and grandmother. She touched everyone she met with her love, charm, grace and wisdom beyond her years. Words cannot define how much she meant to everyone, and how much she'll be missed by all who knew and loved her. We were blessed to have her in our lives.

She was preceded in death by her mother, Georgann; and one sister Anna Johansen.

She is survived by her husband, Tom; children Tom Jr. (Nora) and Katie; one granddaughter, Lilly; her father, George Sponnick; one sister, Sandy Lynott; and one brother, Jeff Sponnick.

We would like to thank our family and close friends for all the support they have provided us during this difficult time, as well as the staff of the Mayo Clinic, and St. Mary's of Rochester for the wonderful care they provided to Pam.

VISITATION: 2 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012 until the 4 p.m. memorial service in Nelson Funeral Care in Cloquet, followed with refreshments in the fellowship room. See the family online guest book at

A fairly recent photo of Pam and
5 of her classmates from
St. Luke's Hospital School of Nursing class of 1974
who came to say goodbye~~~~
~Pat, Vicki, Susan, Caren and
Paula. The memorial service was
very nice, but so so sad.

Sandi, Maddi, and Taylor came for a visit!!

What a fun time we had!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Tizzy's Summer Visit 2012

 Friends that go back to Nursing School Days~Fall of 1971~~Susan and Carol "Tizzy"
 We found Cascade Park and here to find out Tizzy played here with her Grandma's neighbor girls when they were little girls. What a fun find and memory for her this trip!
We always manage to do a lot of laughing! If you cannot laugh at yourself, you are one sad person and we do laugh at our foolishness!! We had a very fun and full 4 days in Duluth! (too bad my blog does not allow me to upload many pictures grrrr!!)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


~photo taken yesterday along lake superior near superior, wi
Those who seek Me diligently will find Me. Isaiah 45:19 NKJV


In the midst of great spiritual darkness we seek Your light;

In the midst of abounding sin we seek Your righteousness;

In the midst of conflicting voices we seek Your truth;

In the midst of confusion and growing perplexity we seek Your wisdom;

In the midst of self-centeredness and personal gain we seek Your glory;

In the midst of insecurity and uncertainty we seek Your hope;

In the midst of difficulty and increasing needs we seek Your provision;

In the midst of illnesses and weakness we seek Your wholeness;

In the midst of worries and deepening restlessness we seek Your peace.

In the midst of selfishness and injustice we seek Your kingdom.

In the midst of ruined lives and broken spirits we seek Your healing;

In the midst of hurting hearts we seek Your love.
~meet me in the meadows

Thank You, Father, for your assurance that those who seek You will also find You.

August 7th, 2012 Dinner out with Classmates of Nursing School

Sitting left to right is Candy, Ginny, Sue and Lois. Standing left to right is Carol, Karen, Susan, Marie, Kathy and Vicki. If I remember the numbers correctly we started with 72 students in our Freshman year of September 1971 and in June of 1974 we graduated 56. Two of our classmates have died since (we miss you Trudy and Debbie), all the more important for us to start getting together more. Dinner last night at Valentinis in Duluth was a very nice evening! Yea for the 1974 Class of St. Luke's School of Nursing!!!

August 1, 2012 Memorial Service for Uncle Ross

 Memorial for Uncle Ross Reed.
 Dad with his nephews DeWayne and Wade. (son's of Ross and Delores)
 DeWayne and Kelly Reed family,
 My Aunt Delores and our lovely green......
DeWayne and Kelly Reed and sons~Chris, Scott and David.

Besides missing our crazy Uncle Ross for his humor, what I will miss the most is that he was a prayer warrior and he prayed for all of us in the family. What a gift he gave to us. We need to rise up and take his place and pray for each other. ~susan

Monday, August 6, 2012

Uncle Ross 1935-2012

Ross DeWayne Reed

Ross DeWayne Reed, age 77, of Deer River, MN, died Sunday, July 29, 2012 at Grand Itasca Clinic and Hospital in Grand Rapids.

Ross was born in 1935 to Frank and Amy Reed in Deer River, MN, where he grew up and attended school, graduating from Deer River High School in 1953. Ross was united in marriage to Delores Schaar on September 3, 1955 in Sand Lake, MN. He worked in the construction trade in North Dakota, then went to work for Blandin Paper Company in 1963 until his retirement in 1995.

Preceding him in death were his parents; three sisters, Jenny Nolette, June Dorry and his twin Rose Sherman; six brothers, Art, Bill, Marion, Otis, Orville and Jim Reed; and great grandson, Ryan Reed.

Ross is survived by two sons, DeWayne (Kelley) Reed of Deer River, MN and Wade (Karyl) Reed of Jessie Lake, MN; one brother, Jack Reed of Deer River, MN; eight grandchildren; eleven great grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.

Visitation will be Wednesday, August 1st from 1:00 PM until the 2:00 PM Memorial Service at Deer River Bible Church in Deer River, MN. Pastor Steve Berg will officiate.

Arrangements by Rowe Funeral Home and Crematory of Grand Rapids.
