Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Encouragement in Prayer

photo by wm conk nigeria 2010

May the following quote by Octavius Winslow be an encouragement to you in prayer.

And all things, whatever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive. Matthew 21:22

Draw near, then, seeking soul, with boldness; Draw near with the lowly boldness of a child—with the humble confidence of a son. Dear are you to your Father. Sweet is your voice to Him. Precious is your person, accepted in His Beloved. You cannot come too boldly—you cannot come too frequently—you cannot come with too large requests. You are coming to a King, that King your Father, that Father viewing you in His beloved Son. Oh, hang not back. Stand not afar off. He now holds out the golden scepter, and says, “Come near; what is your request? Come with your temporal want. Come with your spiritual need. Ask what you will, it shall be granted you. I have an open hand, and a large heart.

~what a comfort...

I think we take our Heavenly Father for granted so much, we put him in a box and do not let Him bless us like He desires to bless us. Help each of us reading this to drink in God's goodness and the realization that He wants to answer our heart's longings......


1 comment:

Julie said...

Thank you Sue....this was beautiful.