Monday, August 29, 2011

Waskish Bible Camp, what remains.........

The chapel was turned into a garage, but they kept the chapel window!
The chapel doors on the end of the garage!
it thrilled us to see this!

The dining hall now turned cabin. The entry was in the front where they put the fireplace.

This is the boys cabin and the boys outhouse is behind it. To the right is a new home where the girls cabin was, the girls outhouse is now a storage shed for these people.

This was the Missionary's cabin or a staff cabin.

We so enjoyed talking to the local people, we have some people we want to contact to find out when the beach was gone, when they built canals to help with the flooding from the strong winds out of the west and the rain. The camp closed after the camping season 1962 because the well was so shallow. They drilled daily in the summer of that year for a new well but could never get thru the granite shelf. The Health Department closed them down. That was the year Mt. Tabor Bible Camp started and Delia and I were blessed to go to both camps that summer!! Oh the memories this all stirred in us!

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