Saturday, May 21, 2011

Anna Grace Brandt Born May 20th, 2011

My niece Stacy gave birth last night to her 3rd child, it is a girl and born on my Mom's Birthday!

They named her after her great grandmother ~Anna. What a gift this was to all of us. God is so so good and He gave us the desires of our heart! Grandma Cindy said she could hear Mom giggle in Heaven!
Born May 20th, 2011 @1022pm
weighing in at 7 lb 2 oz. 19 1/2 inches long.

Siblings Brianne, Anna and Joshua.
A sweet family you have Brian and Stacy!

Baby Anna Grace

One day old.

Great Grandpa Jack was thrilled that you arrived on your Great Grandma Anna's Birthday too, he said "we do not give God credit for all He can and does do for us, we need to trust Him more!"


PS I have not met you but I love you already~Great Auntie Sue Sue

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