Sunday, May 29, 2011

May God's Will Be Done!

Great Quotes

A great many people are afraid of the will of God, and yet I believe that one of the sweetest lessons that we can learn in the school of Christ is the surrender of our wills to God, letting Him plan for us and rule our lives. If I know my own mind, if an angel should come from the throne of God and tell me that I could have my will done the rest of my days on earth, and that everything I wished should be carried out, or that I might refer it back to God, and let God’s will be done in me and through me, I think in an instant I would say: “Let the will of God be done.”

I cannot look into the future. I do not know what is going to happen tomorrow; in fact, I do not know what may happen before night; so I cannot choose for myself as well as God can choose for me, and it is much better to surrender my will to God’s will.
-D.L. Moody

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Anna Grace Brandt Born May 20th, 2011

My niece Stacy gave birth last night to her 3rd child, it is a girl and born on my Mom's Birthday!

They named her after her great grandmother ~Anna. What a gift this was to all of us. God is so so good and He gave us the desires of our heart! Grandma Cindy said she could hear Mom giggle in Heaven!
Born May 20th, 2011 @1022pm
weighing in at 7 lb 2 oz. 19 1/2 inches long.

Siblings Brianne, Anna and Joshua.
A sweet family you have Brian and Stacy!

Baby Anna Grace

One day old.

Great Grandpa Jack was thrilled that you arrived on your Great Grandma Anna's Birthday too, he said "we do not give God credit for all He can and does do for us, we need to trust Him more!"


PS I have not met you but I love you already~Great Auntie Sue Sue

Monday, May 16, 2011

May God's Will Be Done......

Great Quotes

A great many people are afraid of the will of God, and yet I believe that one of the sweetest lessons that we can learn in the school of Christ is the surrender of our wills to God, letting Him plan for us and rule our lives. If I know my own mind, if an angel should come from the throne of God and tell me that I could have my will done the rest of my days on earth, and that everything I wished should be carried out, or that I might refer it back to God, and let God’s will be done in me and through me, I think in an instant I would say: “Let the will of God be done.”

I cannot look into the future. I do not know what is going to happen tomorrow; in fact, I do not know what may happen before night; so I cannot choose for myself as well as God can choose for me, and it is much better to surrender my will to God’s will.
-D.L. Moody

i am so grateful that God has not given me everything that i have asked for, i am so grateful He has known what is better for me and i praise Him for that..........susan

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Let God Choose..........

Let God Choose
As for God, His way is perfect! Psalm 18:30

Let God choose for you, it will be the right decision. Let God guide you, it will be the right direction. Let God plan for you, it will be in the right timing. Let God measure for you, it will be the right portion. Let God help you, it will be the right care. Let God instruct you, it will be the right teaching. Let God prepare you, it will be the right training. Let God counsel you, it will be the right perspective. Let God fight for you, it will be the right outcome. Let God work in you, it will be the right result.
~meet me in the meadow

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sam Cox Home from the US Army! We are proud of you!!!

Yummy burgers @ Big Daddy's
Sam and his Mom

Sam and his Dad

Yvonne, Myrtle and Dianne Eider

Joanne, Myrtle, Chuck, Sam, Susana, Yvonne and Dianne!

The Coxes, Yvonne and I have been to Nicaragua many times

together and Myrtle and Dianne stayed home and prayed for us.

I love these people.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I Believe.......

~photo by william conk in nigeria
I believe God is Near...
The LORD is close to all who call on Him, yes, to all who call on Him in truth. Psalm 145:18 NLT

I believe the Lord is near me, with me, beside me, about me, above me, behind me, ahead of me, at my right hand and my left. I believe that underneath me are His everlasting arms. I believe He is closer than the closest friend, nearer than my very breath—abiding within, joined to my spirit, quickening my body, lighting my heart with His light, filling its chambers with His love.

I believe God can:
"Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me? Jeremiah 32:27 NKJV

I believe God can take care of me, will take of me, and is taking care of me. I believe He is taking good care of me. I believe He is taking care of me because He cares about me. I believe He can do what no one else can do. I believe all things are possible because nothing is impossible with the Lord. I believe nothing is too big for Him to handle and He cares about the smallest detail. I believe God can give me, by His grace, everything I need to be fully equipped to do His will and serve Him in a way that will be pleasing in His sight.
~meet me in the meadow