Wednesday, July 21, 2010

To Be and Not to Be

Jesus knew that those who believed in Him and obeyed His word would face difficulties. In the book of John, Jesus said, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33 [KJV].

Followers of Jesus Christ have always faced trials, testing, hardships, and persecutions. When Jesus spoke about the times in which we are living He had these things to say about how our hearts should be:

*Be standing firm
*Be watchful
*Be peaceful
*Be prayerful
*Be sober
*Be ready

He also told us how not to be:

*Do not be fearful
*Do not be troubled
*Do not let your heart be weighed down with cares
*Do not be spiritually asleep

God wants us to live as people of faith.
We are to be people who live amidst fear, yet have peace;
who live amidst sorrow, yet have joy;
who live amidst trouble, yet have comfort;
who live amidst uncertainty, yet have hope.

People of faith are not people who have found a way to avoid uncertainties or escape trouble. They are people who have learned to live in this world, but not be of it; they are people who have learned to face difficulties and overcome them; they are people who have learned to face hardships and walk through them.

People of faith are not people who have put their faith in their faith, but people who have put their faith in the faithfulness of God. God is their shield, their refuge, their high tower, and their defender. Their trust is in God’s character, their confidence is in God’s ways, and their hope is in God’s promises.
~meet me in the meadow

This really challenged me today and I wanted to share it with you. Have a blessed day knowing that God is our Defender! With love~Susan

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