Monday, February 22, 2010

"The Whole Gospel in a Nutshell"

~photo by cheryl reed farmer in alaska
John 3:16
For: Because there was a reason, because there was a need, because there was a glorious plan of redemption. In order to leave no doubt in anyone’s mind about God’s eternal purpose and our eternal destiny.

God: True God. God the Father. Creator of man. Giver of breath. Sustainer of life. God of reconciliation. Author of salvation. God of redemption.

So Loved: Not “will one day love”, but “has loved” “does love” “now loves”. Agape love, deep love, true love. Divine love. Perfect love. Love demonstrated. Active love. Not just “feeling love”, but “doing love”. Love that wants the best, does the best, gives the best. Holy love. Sacrificial love. Love that bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love that never fails.

The world: Those who are near and those who are afar; those of every color, every race, every tongue, every tribe, every nation. The Jew and the Gentile. The lost, the needy, the hungry, the devastated, the crushed, the bruised, the broken. Those in darkness, desperation, and despair. The condemned, the sinner, the rebel. The sick who need a physician; the guilty who need pardon; the transgressor who needs forgiveness; the prodigal who is far from the Father’s home.
That He gave: Giving God! Freely bestowing—giving grace, giving mercy, giving life. Not small portions. Not just enough to get by. Giving in abundance. Outpouring. Overflowing. Overwhelming.

His only begotten Son: Jesus Christ. Son of God, Son of man. King of kings. Lord of lords. The Word made flesh. Emanuel. God with us. Wonderful! Counselor! Mighty God! Everlasting Father! Prince of Peace! God giving all that He could give. God holding nothing back! The Creator coming to His creation; the Lamb of God coming to be offered as a sacrifice for sin; the Redeemer, shedding His blood to bring us back to God. That whosoever: An open door, an open invitation—to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Big or small, rich or poor, famous or unknown, old or young, male or female. You and I.
Believeth in Him: Not “work for”, not “try hard”, not “earn”. By faith. Believing with the heart. Not a reward to earn, but a gift to receive. Trusting in His mercy. Counting upon His provision. Receiving His life. Leaning upon His grace. Yielding to His Lordship.

Should not perish: Not lost. Not condemned. Not cast out. Not destroyed. Not in eternal darkness. Not separated. Not alone.
But have: Blessed assurance! Being sure. Being certain. Not “guessing”, not “wishing”, not “pretending”. Not “I hope so”, but “I know so”. Without a doubt, I am His and He is mine.

Everlasting life: Forgiven. Saved. Redeemed. Possessing His life. Eternal life. Kingdom life. Blessed hope! Glorious end! Never-ending story of His amazing grace!
~meet me in the meadow

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