Thursday, July 9, 2009

Philip Graduates from Teen Challenge July 8, 2008

After 14 months to the day, Philip graduated from the Northland Campus of Teen Challenge. He was the only graduate this month. All of the TC guys attended the service. Philip picked the songs that we song. The one that touched all of us was " I will Praise you in the Storm" by Casting Crowns. Here is a music video of it that I found on the Internet:
We were reminded by the Dean of the School that this is the first part of Philip's journey and that God was not finished with him yet. Here he is with his certificate with Alex and Ashley.
Philip with his parents Clarence and Cindy

Clarence, Cindy, Philip and his 2 mentors Pastor Cal and Pastor Mike

Ashley, Philip and his Grandpa Reed

Philip and his Grandma Hart
Philip will live at the Benjamin house which is transitional housing in Morgan Park for men who have completed the program and are looking for work or working and trying to get back in to society. It is a place where they can be brother's of encouragement to each other.
Keep him in your prayers as he starts this new life.

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