Sunday, July 19, 2009

Looking unto Jesus...

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12:2

The lost look to Jesus and see the loving Savior.
The wayward look to Jesus and see the only Way.
The confused look to Jesus and see the perfect Truth.
The empty look to Jesus and see the abundant Life.
The meek look to Jesus and see the suffering Servant.
The humble look to Jesus and see the risen Lord.
The blind look to Jesus and see the glorious Light.
The bound look to Jesus and see the conquering Warrior.
The oppressed look to Jesus and see the triumphant King.
The wounded look to Jesus and see the healing Physician.
The needy look to Jesus and see the caring Shepherd.
The hungry look to Jesus and see the living Bread.
The restless look to Jesus and see the Prince of Peace.
The mistreated look to Jesus and see the Righteous Judge.
The weak look to Jesus and see the Lord God Almighty.
The defenseless look to Jesus and see the great High Priest.
The barren look to Jesus and see the fruitful Vine.
The homeless look to Jesus and see their Dwelling Place.
The poor look to Jesus and see their Unsearchable Riches.
The lonely look to Jesus and see the ever-present Friend.
The insufficient look to Jesus and see their All In All.

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