Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Family Gathering in Deer River June 23rd, 2009

June Birthdays~ sitting are John, Sandi and Alex. Standing are Jessica (Jonathan's fiance'), Ami, Dad and Tammy. Happy Happy Birthday June babies!!
Sue Sue and "Auntie Elba" from Ohio. Elba is really my Mom's cousin but she has always seemed like an aunt to "us kids". Her and "Uncle Daryl" did not have children until later in their lives and when they came to Minnesota they treated us kids like princes and princesses! We loved camping with them in their pop up tent trailers when we were young and eating all the yummy things she made with the camp fire! We love you Elba! Daryl went to heaven a couple years ago after a long battle with his heart. We miss you Daryl.

Elba's son Scott and his son Nathan!

Elba and Dad

My Uncle Bill and Aunt Pat Benham. My Mom's only brother, whom she loved so much along with his wife. I was their flower girl in their wedding and I must say I was mighty cute at 3 1/2 years old! (if you don't believe me ask me!!)

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