Friday, December 5, 2008

My 26th Annual Christmas Breakfast for my St. Luke's Friends!

What a fun breakfast we had this morning. The first person came at 0800 and the last left at 1300! Great food per usual pot luck. Around the table is Joanne Yoki (my first headnurse in 1974), Waunita Averil (worked nights in the lab), Betty Anderson (she trained me in on nights in Post Coronary in '74 and she calls me her 9th child), Linda Puckett works in Post Coronary. Bonnie Goerts and Carol Allie worked in CICU with me. Next photo sitting is Ardis Leland who worked in CICU (her daughter graduated from Nursing School with me. Ardis is a great hisorian and has so many great stories about "back then"). Toni Drake was a secretary in the post coronary and CICU back then. Standing is Kris Benson, myself and Terri Sallsness-Graham and we three worked in CICU. We did a lot of laughing today remembering some of our patients and doctors and predicaments that we were in! What a blessing to be friends with these great women for 30+ years!

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