Wednesday, December 24, 2008

God Comes to Us

When Jesus left heaven to come to earth most of the world was unaware of the great thing that God was doing.
He left the highest place and came to a lowly place.
He left His glory and was clothed in humility.
He left the riches of heaven to be born into a poor family.
He didn’t come into the world surrounded by dignitaries, but by animals…

He didn’t come to a palace, but to a stable...
He didn’t come wrapped in silk, but in swaddling clothes.
The rich didn’t witness His coming—they were too comfortable.

The powerful didn’t witness His coming—they were too proud.
The religious leaders didn’t witness His coming—they were too blind.
The merchants didn’t witness His coming—they were too busy.
God made the news known on a quiet hillside close to where Jesus was born.

He spoke it in phrases of wonder, through creatures of splendor, to men of low degree.
Those who were excluded from society’s fancy gatherings would be included in heaven’s greatest celebration…
Those who had little education would come to know heaven’s greatest revelation…
Those who had few possessions would come to receive heaven’s greatest gift.
What greater witnesses could there be to the coming of the Lamb of God than those who tended their flocks by night.
Like the shepherds, God comes to us in our spiritual night time to call us to His light…

He comes in our spiritual poverty to call us to the riches in His Son…
He comes in our spiritual loneliness to call us to the fellowship of His eternal celebration—
He who was wrapped in swaddling clothes has wrapped us in robes of righteousness…
He who had no place to lay His head has given us a mansion in heaven…
He who cried as His mother held Him in her arms will wipe away all our tears.

......from Meet me in the Meadows....

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