Friday, November 7, 2008

A week with my Sister Sandi

I had the pleasure of having my sister Sandi visiting me for a whole week. I was blessed to be off of work 6 out of the 8 days she was here. she loves to organize. Eat your heart out, look at this guest room closet of mine! She even has things labeled! I could not go on without my Wizard of Oz tin signs so we put them up in my garage! (We all have a little bit of child left in us!!) My black and white family photos were packed away for 3 years and they were asking to come out so they proudly sit on my hallway wall. Sandi climbed on a ladder to put some of the nails in some of the projects. When she would have to get to the 2nd rung of the ladder I would have to help her with her left foot. We are pathetic but we get things done!! We talked about Mom a lot saying "she would kill us for standing on this ladder!". I realize I did not take a picture of Sandi this weekend, but here is her and Mom a year ago! Thanks Sandi for all the work you did for me around the house, she is pretty handy! PS. She even gave me a pedicure last night!

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