I want to share my morning devotional with you......Hang on!Today's Truth "He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters." (Psalm 18:16, NIV)
Friend to Friend Today, I'd like to encourage those among us who are struggling. Whether you are feeling the squeezes of a strained economy, the aches of a broken marriage, or the difficulties of an illness, God longs to sustain you in the storm. When all else fails, all that's required of us is that we just hang on to our faith.
Now, I'm talking directly to you. Whatever your circumstances...no wound of life is too infected for God to heal. No problem is too difficult for God to solve. No sin is too abominable for God to forgive. No sickness is beyond His ability to make well. He is able. I don't know the shattered matters of your life, but God does. He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond all you can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Hang on!
If you are ready to walk out on your husband--God loves you and is able to heal your marriage. Hang on!
If your child is wild--God loves you and is able to change his/her heart. Hang on!
If you are barraged by addiction--God loves you and wants to satisfy your every craving. Hang on!
If you are chained by financial burdens--God loves you and will supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. Hang on!
If you are a widow who feels abandoned--God loves you and will never leave your side. Hang on!
If you are a single mother--God loves you and is the perfect Father for your fatherless children. Hang on!
If you are battling illness--God loves you, is familiar with suffering, and is able to heal you. Hang on!
If you are single and long to be cherished by a man--God loves you and sees you as perfectly beautiful in Christ. Trust His plan. Hang on!
If you feel worthless and damaged--God loves you and considers you precious and valuable. Hang on!
If you are consumed by guilt--God loves you, knows you, and paid for that sin on the cross.
Release it to His hands...be free!
Hang on to Jesus, friend. Hang on to Jesus. "He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy" (Job 8:21). I know from personal experience that in the painful, tear-filled days, God is still good and can still be trusted. I know He is faithful. I've witnessed His strength in my weakness. I've felt His comfort in times of loss. And though we aren't always kept from experiencing shattered matters, we never have to endure them alone.
Take comfort that He knows every issue on your heart and is able to shoulder your burdens. Your challenges do not fall outside the scope of God's ability to intervene. God is mysterious, He is powerful, and He is able! When you lift your eyes from your situation and fix them on your Savior, you will find peace in the pain and strength in the struggle.
Let's Pray.... Holy Father, I need to hang on to you today. I'm comforted that You know every issue on my heart and You are able to shoulder my burdens. I bring them to you now. Thank You for being able. I love you so much.
In Jesus' Name, Amen