Monday, March 10, 2014

30th Annual St. Luke's Friends Christmas Breakfast

 The CICU group that were here~ sitting: Carol, Melodee, Kris, Barbara. Standing: Susan, Wayne, Janet, Bonnie, Margaret and Terri.
 Wanita- lab tech, Lynda, Betty and Ellie worked in Post Coronary, right next to us!
 Linda  and Betty sharing a good laugh!
 Those PM Girls! Bonnie, Mel, Kris, Barb and Carol
 Terry and Dave
 Wayne and Betsy
 Lots of conversations going on! The house was buzzing for sure!
 My tall friend Betsy!
Most of the group before too many people left!
This was a trial trying to make this work, the first time we postponed it because we had a snowstorm, the 2nd time because my Dad was sick. I was determined to get us together to celebrate this winter season and it happened. I felt like I really needed my St. Luke friend's this day! A good time was had by all once again. Blessings to you my dear dear friends! Wayne figured out that there was over 500 years of Nursing Experience here. I would trust any of them with my life!!!

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