Monday, March 18, 2013

Rachel comes for a visit!

 Rachel and I at "The Lighthouse at Emilys." Eating fish and chips! Keep in mind my glasses are supposed to be anti-glare. What is wrong with this picture???
 US Coast Guard Ice Cutter is out on Lake Superior! Another sign of spring!!
 These are the waves on Stoney Point that the Surfers love!
 Two Harbors and Rachel! Oh to be young again and be unafraid of snow and ice!
 Rachel in front of the Two Harbors Light!
 My favorite little building on the North Shore, The fisherman's cottage on Stoney Point!
This is a flat spot that one time held another fisherman's cottage over looking the lake.

Rachel exploring an ice caveran with icicles hanging and the waves coming up into the cave. Loved the sound! 

Loved your visit Rachel, We had a great time even tho both of us were "under the weather" on parts of the weekend!

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